miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

What's cookin'? PAELLA!!!

A few summers ago I met Bernardo and he runs a cooking school at La Albuera.  He shows us how to make paella (AKA - he makes paella for us) and we end up eating it at around 10:30 in the morning.  You should try it some time!  

Paella is in no way difficult to make so if you want to try it, here is what you do: 
On high heat, sauté your prawns in some olive oil for a few minutes so the oil will retain some of the flavor then remove them from the pan. Sauté your meat until it is cooked halfway through – we used some lovely rabbit.  Add in some thinly sliced red and green peppers as well as some diced tomatoes, some garlic and some colorant – saffron is used but you can cheat and use turmeric if you don’t have any saffron.  Cook for several minutes until the veggies soften.  Here you can add in other things such as squid.  Add in the desired amount of rice and then add twice as much water as rice.  Bring it back up to a boil for a few minutes, add back in your prawns (we used clams too) and reduce heat for 10 minutes.  Remove from heat and let it sit for 10 minutes before eating.  See, easy!  Now make it and impress your friends!
If you do decide to use rabbit, I hear it is a good idea to let your students, I mean friends, finish eating before you tell them what they ate.

Buen provecho!  Enjoy!

Natalie LOVES seafood!!!

Cooking photos

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