miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Russian Ballet and Queen's visit

Segovia is vying to be the cultural capital of Europe so we are fortunate enough to be here during a time when they are trying to do as much as possible to gain tourism and impress people with what they have to offer.  More information can be found here: http://www.segovia2016.es/   In any case there was a Russian ballet troupe in town last week and they were impressive.  Enough so that the Queen of Spain came to see them.  A gigantic stage was built with the aqueduct as a backdrop and it was a sight to see.  They were mostly young people performing and we were able to see all of the performers beforehand as they paraded down the Calle Real and we even met the director and got a photo with him.  We grabbed a bite to eat afterward and when people were walking back home they were treated to a fireworks display.  All in all it was a pretty magical evening.

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